Income Volatility
Would pay for an unexpected $400 emergency expense with cash or a cash equivalent
How does GI impact monthly income volatility?
Income volatility is the month over month variation in income. If you have the same income every month, then your income volatility is 0%. The $500 group had less income volatility than the comparison group.
$500 Group: 46.4%
Comparison Group: 67.5%
Less volatility in monthly income allowed families to stabilize and plan for the future.
Health and Wellbeing
Estimated Marginal Means of Kessler
How do changes in income volatility impact psychological health and physical wellbeing?
People receiving the $500 were less anxious and depressed than the comparison group. They also showed improvement in emotional health, energy, and emotional wellbeing.
“I had panic attacks and anxiety. I was at the point where I had to take a pill for it. And I haven’t even touched them in awhile. I used to carry them on me all the time.”
Employment and Agency
Shift Toward Full Time Employment
Employment and Risk-Taking
- The $500 removed material barriers to full-time employment and created capacity for goal-setting and risk-taking
- The scale of risk-taking and goal-setting was somewhat curtailed by limits of care-work
“I think one thing is definitely risk. You can take so much risk. I - there was a time, I - the only reason I believe I got the internship was because of me taking the risk of not - of having to quit a job before and knowing that I have that money. . I could sustain myself until this new opportunity came around, and I was able to take it.”
Freedom from Forced Vulnerability